Tectona grandis is probably the most prized species in Asia, due to its outstanding weathering capabilities. In fact, the wood contains its own fungicide and bactericide (Tectonin), which naturally makes it more resistant to attack by insects or fungi. The old civilizations from India and China have known that for centuries, which explains its special status.
The wood is not too heavy and it is fairly easy to work with, with a beautiful golden color, sometimes with dark streaks.
The color of Plantation Teak is not as dark as the old-growth lumber, but it will certainly oxidize and get darker with time.

Its high demand and consequent high prices, with relatively low supplies, primarily from Burma (now called Myanmar) sort of showed the way for many other countries to start planting Teak for commercial uses.
Nowadays there are many plantations worldwide, naturally concentrated in tropical countries, as Teak is a tropical wood. These plantations are already well developed and there are significant exports of logs and squares coming from Central and South America, and some from Africa. Lots of technical studies have been made and the species have significantly improved by selection and is now available also from hybrids.
The most favored applications are high-end furniture, joinery, doors and windows, flooring and boat decking.


Most of the plantations being harvested are at least 12 years old and the logs girth (circumference) range from 40cm up to 1.40m. Lengths are 2.3m and longer, up to 7m longs.
Grades: A/A (Premium) – A/B – A/C
K/D 8-10% MC
Thickness: 1” – 1.1/4” – 1.1/2”
Widths: 2” and wider, up to 8”
Lengths: 2’ and longer, up to 7’
S2S (surfaced two sides) available upon request.
The squares are usually 3” x 3” or 4” x 4”, with lengths 6’ and up, with up to 20% of shorts of 3’ to 5’ included.